Progressive Spotlight: Branko Marcetic.

Uncompromising & Brutally Effective Journalism.

Book cover for Yesterday's Man: The Case Against Joe Biden by Branko Marcetic. Image Description: Book cover for Yesterday's Man: The Case Against Joe Biden by Branko Marcetic.

Summary: Branko Marcetic is a formidable left-wing journalist whose rigorous critiques expose the contradictions and costs of U.S. politics and foreign policy.

Branko Marcetic is a prolific and devastating writer. A native of New Zealand with Croatian roots, Marcetic has made a name for himself in left-wing journalism with savvy and erudite critiques that stand in stark contrast to the hyperbolic and hysterical coverage all too common in online media these days. Despite his New Zealand roots, his understanding of U.S. politics is top-notch, which explains why so many outlets seek his voice for publication.

Marcetic hangs his hat at The Jacobin, a leading socialist-leaning publication known for its rigorous critiques of capitalism. But he has contributed to The Guardian, In These Times, Washington Post and The Nation, among others, thus solidifying his presence in both progressive media outlets and widely-read publications. As a Jacobin staff writer, he provides deeply researched pieces that expose underreported areas of foreign policy, neoliberalism and U.S. imperialism. Far from a single-issue writer, however, much of his earlier work also covered systemic inequality and workers’ rights.

In 2020, Marcetic published his first book, Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden. Throughout the book Marcetic meticulously delves into the lengthy career of U.S. President Joe Biden, exposing the contradictions in Biden’s political record, particularly his positions on crime, social welfare, and foreign policy.

The book provides a detailed account of Biden’s political evolution, critiquing how Biden’s policies have impacted working-class Americans. It was well-received within leftist political circles and was seen as an important critique of Biden’s moderate approach ahead of the 2020 presidential election. Rick Perlstein, author of Nixonland, called Yesterday’s Man, “A remarkably elegant and penetrating portrait of the entirety of Joe Biden’s career from a young writer to watch.”

Between Yesterday’s Man and his work in the Jacobin and other publications, Marcetic has relentlessly pursued Biden’s political record before and during this presidency. Moreover, Marcetic’s critique of U.S. foreign policy and militarism has raised awareness about the costs of endless wars, not only in terms of money but in human lives. By continuously highlighting the links between political elites and military contractors, he has contributed greatly to the broader movement advocating for decreased military spending and greater investment in public welfare.

The breadth of Marcetic’s reporting over the years makes him dangerous on multiple fronts, but his foreign policy analysis is what truly sets him apart. For a window into his craft, check out his work for the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. Marcetic frequently contributes insightful pieces to the institute’s online publication His most recent piece veers slightly from foreign policy, however, as he covered both the Republican and Democrat national conventions. In speaking with delegates, Marcetic uncovered how the talking points highlighted on stage often diverged from sentiments expressed by the delegates in attendance.

Branko Marcetic’s uncompromising journalism and attention to detail make him a vital voice in left-wing political journalism. His ability to scrutinize powerful figures and systems, along with his insightful analyses, additionally makes him a must-read for leftists and others who want to go below the surface on critical issues.

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Rashed Mian is the managing editor of News Beat. Mian previously covered civil liberties and the Muslim American community for Long Island Press. Mian graduated with a degree in journalism from Hofstra University. Mian is interested in under-reported stories that impact disenfranchised communities as well as issues related to civil liberties.