Make UNFTR part of the 1%.

Bernie Sanders, with text that says, Image Description: Bernie Sanders, with text that says, "We Are Once Again Asking."

Summary: (Not that 1%, the other one.)

Did you know?

Did you know that your support has enabled us to crack the top 6% of all podcasts in the world? It's true. As small as our little Unf*cking universe is, it still ranks among the most listened to podcasts on the planet. Of course, there's a huuuuuge gap between 6% and the top 1%.

Can you help us get there?

That's our goal this year. We're going to put everything we have into bringing our listeners timely, top notch content, but we're a long way from becoming financially independent enough to do this. Instead of asking you for more—you've already done so much—we were wondering if you would join us in a friendraising experiment.

It's just math.

Because our partnership with Native Coffee Traders has proven to be a great success, our path to financial independence is simply a numbers game. The more listeners we welcome to the pod, the more orders we receive for our native roasted coffee. It has the dual impact of helping grow the roasting operation on the reservation and supporting the show. And all for something you (or someone you know) would already purchase if they’re coffee drinkers.

For those who donate money to the show as members, we're working on expanding our member benefits as well, because we recognize not everyone drinks coffee! With increased listenership, we can build a formidable base of support from all avenues, which will help us develop new merchandise for the store, forge new partnerships with indigenous entrepreneurs and deliver even more content free of charge. And you'll help us realize our dream of taking the show on the road, so hopefully we can come out from behind the microphones and meet you beautiful Unf*ckers in person.

So here's what we're thinking.

  1. Go crazy on social media. If you're on social, like and share our content as often as possible. Tag friends who are either aligned with our show or need to hear it.
  2. Email your friends and family. Use subject lines like “will you Unf*ck The Republic with me?” Ask them to listen and join the ranks of Unf*ckers. Share our Substack essays as well and recruit Subf*ckers.
  3. Start a virtual hangout, or a real life one in your area, to discuss issues at large or the pod in general.
  4. Tag progressive politicians and other progressive podcasts on social media.
  5. Spread the hashtags #FMF and #UNFTR. Get them trending!

These are just a few ideas that can help propel our show into the top 1%! Don't get us wrong, we're proud members of the 99%, but by becoming part of the 1% of podcasts, you'll be doing your part to break the backs of the 1% in the United States.

The top 6% is way more than we bargained for when we first thought of the show. By now, you know we're committed to bringing our "A" game each and every week, so now we're curious to see where this can go. Thank you for helping us this far. Oh, the places we'll go, Unf*ckers.

Here endeth the plea. Happy New Year, friends.

- Max, 99 and Manny

Max is a basic, middle-aged white guy who developed his cultural tastes in the 80s (Miami Vice, NY Mets), became politically aware in the 90s (as a Republican), started actually thinking and writing in the 2000s (shifting left), became completely jaded in the 2010s (moving further left) and eventually decided to launch UNFTR in the 2020s (completely left).