The World in Numbers.
99 / 3.5 / 1.5
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine changed the global political calculus almost overnight. While catastrophic and horrific in nature, this shift has provided unforeseen opportunities that were unthinkable just a few months ago. The question is how best to mobilize in this darkness to affect positive change moving forward. We examine the work of Thomas Piketty and Erica Chenoweth to help wrap our minds around what’s possible no matter how audacious.

Show Notes
Episode Timestamp + Link | Clip Link
- 00:00:15 | Kanye West: George Bush doesn't care about Black people
- 00:00:21 | U.S. President Ronald Reagan declares war on drugs, organized crime, 1982
- 00:00:35 | Washington Post: Trump promises 'giant, beautiful, massive, the biggest ever in our country tax cut'
- 00:06:30 | Robert Reich: How Wealth Inequality Spiraled Out of Control
- 00:10:04 | Menace II Society: You Own Me Some Money, Motherfucker
- 00:10:51 | The Godfather: Sollozzo Known As The Turk
- 00:12:51 | Sen. Sanders on 'No' Vote to $778 Billion Defense Budget
- 00:13:59 | Wicked: Popular
- 00:14:10 | Erica Chenoweth at TEDxBoulder: The success of nonviolent civil resistance
- 00:20:31 | Thomas Piketty: Norad Conference 2022 Vendepunkt
IPCC: Climate Change 2022
Al Jazeera: Could energy independence from Russia spur a shift to renewables?
New York Times: Can Germany Break Up With Russian Gas?
Jacobin: Nationalize All the Oil Companies
Adam Tooze: China under pressure
Book Love
Thomas Piketty: Time for Socialism: Dispatches from a World on Fire, 2016-2021
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