Congressional Summer School.
Shabooya Roll Call.
In today’s Quickie we’re going to look at three different bills or groupings of bills that represent the array of legislation that exists. Something old, something big and something new. At the end I’ll run through several bills that should be on everyone’s radar and we’ll link some helpful ways to advocate in show notes and on Substack. In terms of structure, I’ll provide a summary of the bill, tell you who’s behind it and who’s not, where it stands, what it does, what it theoretically costs and what’s at stake.

Show Notes
Episode Timestamp + Link | Clip Link
- 00:00:00 | Lyndon B. Johnson: Remarks on the Signing of the Voting Rights Act (August 6, 1965)
- 00:00:07 | President Lyndon Johnson: Remarks on Signing the Civil Rights Bill
- 00:00:17 | 1935 FDR Signs Social Security into Law
- 00:00:26 | President George H.W. Bush Signs the Americans with Disabilities Act, 07/26/1990
- 00:00:39 | President Obama Signs Health Reform Into Law
- 00:07:04 | The Departed: Maybe
- 00:12:17 | Chairman Schatz Opening Statement at Business Meeting on H.R. 1688
- 00:15:49 | Fight Club: What did you think was gonna happen?
- 00:18:11 | Rep. John Lewis on the Right to Vote
- 00:18:38 | Sen. Mike Rounds (R–S.D.) explains Republican opposition to the John Lewis Voting Rights Act
- 00:19:22 | How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying: Coffee Break
- 00:20:21 | Johnny Guitar: Coffee & Smoke
- 00:20:54 | Fast Times at Ridgemont High: Let’s Party
- 00:21:10 | Yahoo Finance: Marijuana legalization bill expected to pass the House, face roadblocks in the Senate
- 00:24:51 | Spring Awakening: Totally Fucked
- 00:28:51 | The Godfather II: Michael talking with Senator Pat Geary
- 00:30:27 | Yahoo Finance: The House passes the Safe Banking Act
- 00:49:05 | Barney Goes to School: Purple
GovTrack: Statistics and Historical Comparison
- H.R.1688 - Native American Child Protection Act
Indian Country Today: House passes Gallego and Young bill to protect Native American children
- H.R.5444 - Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act
- H.R.4 - John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021
- H.R.3617 - Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act
ACLU: Vote Yes on H.R. 3617, Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (More) Act
- H.R.1996 - SAFE Banking Act of 2021
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