Chester A. Arthur and Julia Sand.
Strange Bedfellows.
As Max grinds away at a more in-depth Unf*cking, we offer our dear listeners a new palate cleanser. Strange Bedfellows examines fascinating relationships and wonders how these duos might have altered the course of history. Our first installment tells the story of President Chester Arthur and a pen-pal named Julia Sand.

Show Notes
Samuel Eliot Morison, Henry Steele Commager andWilliam E. Leuchtenburg: A Concise History of the American Republic: Volume 1
David C. Whitney: The Graphic Story of the American Presidents
Library of Congress: The Correspondence of Julia I. Sand
Miller Center: Chester Arthur, December 6, 1881: First Annual Message
The New York Times: Overlooked No More: Julia Sand, Whose Letters Inspired a President
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