Palestine: Part Two.
The Palestinian Cause.
Part Two of our series on Israel/Palestine turns back the clock to examine the time period from Part One but from the Palestinian perspective. By establishing the foundation of the conflict in parallel, it helps organize internal and external events that explain sympathies toward Jews and Palestinians alike. This episode digs into the cultural underpinnings of Arab society in the 19th and early 20th centuries and examines the fault lines that occur as a result of Jewish migration, industrialization, the collapse of Ottoman rule and fallout from World War One.

Show Notes
Episode Timestamp + Link | Clip Link
- 00:02:02 | Islam Channel: “I Will Not Be Silent When Israel Commits Its Crimes Against the Palestinians”
- 00:07:39 | The Hundred Years' War on Palestine - A keynote lecture by Rashid Khalidi
- Leon Trotsky on Zionism
- Council on Foreign Relations: What to Know About the Arab Citizens of Israel
- PBS: Parallel Realities - Resolution 242 And The Aftermath Of 1967 | Shattered Dreams Of Peace
- Wikipedia: Six-Day War
- Opinio Juris: The Biden Administration and the Golan Heights
- Al Jazeera: Mapping Israeli occupation | Infographic News
- Jewish Virtual Library: Vital Statistics: Jewish Population of the World
- Christopher Hitchens on Antisemitism
- BBC News: Golan Heights profile
- The Baffler: Unmaking the Myth of Ben-Gurion
- My Jewish Learning: Sephardic, Ashkenazic, Mizrahi and Ethiopian Jews
- JCPA: Ben-Gurion’s Concept of Mamlahtiut and the Forming Reality of the State of Israel
- Council on Foreign Relations: The Sunni-Shia Divide
- Council on Foreign Relations: What Is U.S. Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?
- Council on Foreign Relations: How Evictions in Jerusalem Led to Israeli-Palestinian Violence
- NPR: This is how the Republican Party became so strongly pro-Israel
- The Jewish Agency: Modern Zionist Aliyot
- The Weiner Holocaust Library: How did the Holocaust happen?
- Holocaust Encyclopedia: The Evian Conference
- Palquest: Interactive Encyclopedia Of The Palestine Question: Issa al-Sifri
- UN: Faisal-Weizmann agreement/Non-UN document - Question of Palestine
- Palquest: Interactive Encyclopedia Of The Palestine Question: Musa Kazim Husseini
- Palquest: Interactive Encyclopedia Of The Palestine Question: Great Arab Revolt, 1936-1939
- Fanack: Historic Palestine: The Arab Executive (1920 -1934)
- MERIP: Owen, Studies in the Economic and Social History of Palestine
- MERIP: Conspiracy of Praise
- Just Vision: Izz ad-Din al-Qassam
Book Love
- Rashid Khalidi: The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017
- Moshé Machover: Israelis and Palestinians: Conflict and Resolution
- Dennis Ross: Missing Peace: The Inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace
- James L. Gelvin: The Israel-Palestine Conflict
Image Source
- Stamp by Fred Taylor for United Kingdom Government, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Changes were made.
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