The Climate Trust.
Non-Negotiable #5.
This is the final installment of our 5 Non-Negotiables of the Left series where we detail three short-term goals to take back the country and two long-term fights that must be waged for the sake of our democracy and the planet. This fifth entry speaks to the now back-burnered but ever-present threat to life on this planet: Climate change. This is the most difficult case we’ll make to you.
We expect pushback and disappointment at first but if we do our job, we’ll shift you to acknowledgement and resolve. This fifth Non-Negotiable isn’t for us. It’s for someone you might know, but more than likely it’s for someone you’ll never meet. We present the establishment of The Climate Trust: Social Security for the Planet.

Show Notes
- IPCC: Summary for Policymakers — Special Report on Climate Change and Land
- Institute for Policy Integrity: Gauging Economic Consensus on Climate Change
- The Center for Climate & Security: Chronology of Military and Intelligence Concerns About Climate Change
- World Economic Forum: This is How Climate Change Could Impact The Global Economy
- Swiss Re: World economy set to lose up to 18% GDP from climate change if no action taken, reveals Swiss Re Institute's stress-test analysis
- The New York Times: 40 Million People Rely on the Colorado River. It’s Drying Up Fast.
- The Black Vault: Global Climate Change Implications for the U.S. Navy
- Thomas Malthus: On the Principle of Population
- United Nations: Food Systems Summit
- United Nations: Secretary-General’s Chair Summary and Statement of Action on the UN Food Systems Summit
- US EPA: Global Greenhouse Gas Overview
- Penn State: Plant-Based Diet
- Rodale Institute: Farming Systems Trial
- Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index
- The EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health
- Energy Education: Discovery of the greenhouse effect
- APS: August 1856: Eunice Foote Concludes That Carbon Dioxide Could Warm the Atmosphere, Three Years Before John Tyndall Did
- DQYDJ: Income Percentile Calculator for the United States
- Eunice Foote: Circumstances Affecting the Heat of the Sun’s Rays
- CNA: National Security and the Threat of Climate Change
- GovInfo: National Security Implications of Global Climate Change to 2030
- U.S. Department of Defense: Department of Defense 2014 Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap
- Global Monitoring Laboratory: Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
- UNIDO: HCFC Phase-Out
- PBS NewsHour: Antarctic ozone hole believed to be shrinking
Book Love
- James Howard Kunstler: The Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil, Climate Change, and Other Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Cent
- Cass R. Sunstein: Climate Justice: What Rich Nations Owe the World—and the Future
- Tad Delay: Future of Denial: The Ideologies of Climate Change
- Nicoletta Batini: The Economics of Sustainable Food: Smart Policies for Health and the Planet
- Mark Bittman: Animal, Vegetable, Junk: A History of Food, from Sustainable to Suicidal: A Food Science Nutrition History Book
- Michael T. Klare: All Hell Breaking Loose: The Pentagon's Perspective on Climate Change
- Lester R. Brown: Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization
- John Tyndall: Heat Considered as a Mode of Motion
- William Stanley Jevons: The Coal Question
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