Corporate (Ir)Responsibility: Part One.
Financial Fuckery and Tax Evasion.
Mitch McTurtlefuck recently chastised Corporate America for butting into politics, which we all know is a joke. But it highlights the insidious nature of the relationship between American companies and the U.S. government. One of the biggest grifts of our time isn’t just the rapid rise of the billionaire class in this country, it’s the mechanisms that allow corporations to hide trillions of dollars from taxation. This week’s UNFTR delves into the movement to lower corporate tax rates that started in the late 70’s and explains how the tax evasion shell game really works. It’s the first of a two-part series on financial fuckery, much of which was devised by old you-know-who. #FMF

Show Notes
Episode Timestamp + Link | Clip Link
- 00:00:00 + 00:07:13 + 00:12:27 + 00:16:40 + 00:27:59 + 00+33+27 | John Lennon: Working Class Hero
- 00:00:23 | NBC News: McConnell Tells Corporations To 'Stay Out Of Politics'
- 00:03:15 | Network: The World is a Corporation
- 00:09:55 | Brewster's Millions: Brewster Becomes a Millionaire
- 00:14:29 | Scrooge McDuck and Money
- 00:17:27 | Godfather Part II: Partners
- 00:22:57 | Robocop: Ending
- 00:24:55 | Austin Powers: Why Make Trillions When We Can Make Billions?
- 00:28:44 | CBS News: Trump comments on GOP tax plan, jobs
- 00:33:03 | Office Space: Peter Kills Interview with Bobs
- HBR: Why Are Companies Sitting on So Much Cash?
- The Atlantic: When the Top U.S. Tax Rate was 70 Percent—or Higher
- Bloomberg Tax: 10 Steps States Should Take to End Corporate Giveaways
- Politico: Actually, it was Democrats who killed the 70 percent tax
- Foreign Policy: To Pay for the Pandemic, Dry Out the Tax Havens
- Tax Policy Center: What is the TCJA repatriation tax and how does it work
- OCCRP: Giant Leak of Offshore Financial Records Exposes Global Array of Crime and Corruption
- Tax Foundation: How Much Revenue Would a 70% Top Tax Rate Raise? An Initial Analysis
- FRED: Unemployment Rate
- Trading Economics: Corporate Tax Rate in the United States remained unchanged at 21 percent in 2021 from 21 percent in 2020
- BLS: Inheritances and the Distribution of Wealth, Or Whatever Happened to the Great Inheritance Boom?
- Tax Foundation: Corporate Tax Rates around the World, 2020
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UNFTR Quick Links