Cuba (Not So) Libre.
"Vas Bien, Fidel."
Since 1959, the island nation of Cuba has been giving the middle finger to the United States. Cuba has been in the control of a Castro through thirteen separate presidential administrations and they’ve made it in the most unlikely of ways under the most improbable circumstances. This is episode of UNFTR begins with a slightly different perspective on the 1959 Revolution that has evaded most retellings in U.S. history books and follows the twisted journey of Fidel Castro and his brother Raul through the heights of the Cold War, the despair of their “Special Period” and quasi-resurgence as the beating heart of the socialist movement in Latin America.

Show Notes
Episode Timestamp + Link | Clip Link
- 00:05:21 | Godfather Part II: Hyman Roth's birthday cake cutting and the deal at Havana
- 00:06:38 | Footage Farm: Cuban Revolution 220633-06
- 00:15:26 | Camilo Cienfuegos, El Señor de la Vanguardia
- 00:26:33 | US President Eisenhower announces the cut down in Cuba's American sugar quota
- 00:26:52 | AP: JFK Bay of Pigs Speech
- 00:27:00 | Texas Archives: LBJ Campaign Speech in Tampa, FL on Communist Cuba
- 00:27:08 | JFK Tapes: Kennedy & Nixon Debate Castro's Cuba
- 00:27:16 | AP Archive: President Ford Talks About US Relations With Cuba
- 00:27:24 | Jimmy Carter Interview on Cuba
- 00:27:30 | Reagan Library: President Reagan's Remarks to Cuban American Leaders
- 00:27:33 | C-SPAN: Anniversary of Cuban Independence Ceremony
- 00:27:38 | Clinton Library: Pres. Clinton Re: Cuba Sanctions Following Downed Aircraft
- 00:27:40 | AP Archive: President Bush takes on the Castro regime in Cuba
- 00:27:43 | New York Times: Obama Speech on Cuba and Restoring Diplomatic Relations
- 00:27:49 | Trump Says He Ended the 'Obama-Biden Sellout' to Cuba
- 00:27:51 | CBS: Biden Called Out For Policy “Rewarding” Cuba Despite Cuba’s Human Rights Violations, Maduro Support
- 00:29:06 | Cuba & Bay Of Pigs
- 00:30:31 | John F. Kennedy: Cuban Missile Crisis speech
- 00:35:40 | Scarface: Political Prisoner Scene
- 00:38:37 | Semi-Pro: Can’t Feel My Arms
- 00:41:04 | Periodo Especial: Cuba in 1993
- 00:43:25 | Godfather: Sollozzo Talks with Tom Hagen
Book Love
- Samuel Farber: Cuba Since the Revolution of 1959: A Critical Assessment
- Jorge G. Castañeda: Companero: The Life and Death of Che Guevara
- Richard A. Dello Buono + José Bell Lara: Imperialism, Neoliberalism, and Social Struggles in Latin America
Pod Love
- Blowback Season 2: The Cuban Revolution
UNFTR Quick Links