Max, Unfiltered.
Finishing the hat.
We bid Unf*ckers adieu for a couple of weeks with some quick ruminations about from whence we came and where we’re headed. In this brief reflection, Max and crew address the cacophony of issues swirling about in our heads as we head toward the midterms. There are countless battles to be fought and won in service of the planet. But for now, Max puts down the brushes and canvas and saves the hat for another day.

Show Notes
UNFTR Episode Resources
- When We Leave: Afghanistan Tomorrow and Forever.
- Playing Chicken with China: How Propaganda Rationalizes Conflict.
- Fox in the Outhouse: Invasion, Immigration & Inflation.
- New York’s Casual White Supremacy: Losing the Plot on Hochul & Buffalo Bills.
- Elon Gated: Billionaires and Their Toys.
- The End of Roe v. Wade: Extinguishing the Penumbra.
- Where is the Religious Left? Dissecting the American Theocracy.
- The School Shooting Script: Our Immunocompromised Body Politic.
- Obsession Over Recession Depression: Feeding the Economic HypeBeast.
- Amazon (Part 1): The Unfulfillment Company.
- The Clinton Years (Part One): Don't stop thinking about tomorrow.
UNFTR Quick Links