Animal Rights Resources

Animal rights is a core issue to UNFTR: a fight for the voiceless. On top of believing that animals have the right to live freely and peacefully, it’s a known fact that going vegan is one of the most impactful ways to combat climate change in your personal life. These organizations represent the best of advocacy in the space.


The ASPCA® (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) has been at the forefront of animal rescue and protection since our founding as the first animal welfare organization in North America in 1866. For more than 150 years, we have been the leading voice in animal welfare, bringing the critical protection of animals to the forefront of society.

We’ve led the way in fighting cruelty, rescuing and securing adoptions for animals in need, and driving significant legislative change that protects their lives and welfare—ultimately transforming how Americans value and care for animals.

FOUR PAWS International

FOUR PAWS takes a problem-solving approach and offers animals in distress with swift and direct aid. Our aim is to achieve and establish changes in politics, society, and the economy that will benefit animals – through projects, campaigns and education. Our work is based on scientific expertise, sound research, and national and international advocacy for positive legislative changes for animals.

Cruelty Free International

Cruelty Free International is the leading organisation working to create a world where nobody wants or believes we need to experiment on animals.

Our dedicated team are experts in their fields, combining award-winning campaigning, political lobbying, pioneering undercover investigations, scientific and legal expertise and corporate responsibility. Educating, challenging and inspiring others across the globe to respect and protect animals, we investigate and expose the reality of life for animals in laboratories, challenge decision-makers to make a positive difference for animals, and champion better science and cruelty free living.

Eleventh Hour Rescue

Eleventh Hour Rescue is a fully registered 501C(3) nonprofit, volunteer based organization dedicated to saving the lives of innocent dogs and cats on death row. Many of them are rescued at their Eleventh Hour--when they are scheduled to be put to death by other shelters that can no longer care for them. We give our dogs and cats all the medical attention they require, a place to live, and through our extensive adoption services, a second chance at a happy and fulfilled life. Eleventh Hour Rescue is not subsidized by government grants and receives no major corporate funding. We rely solely on the generosity of our volunteers, the community and animal lovers everywhere.

The Humane Society of the United States Humane Society Together with millions of supporters, the Humane Society of the United States takes on puppy mills, factory farms, the fur trade, trophy hunting, animal cosmetics testing and other cruel industries. Through our rescue, response and sanctuary work, as well as other hands-on animal care services, we help thousands of animals every year. We fight all forms of animal cruelty to achieve the vision behind our name: a humane society

American Anti-Vivisection Society

The mission of AAVS is to end the use of animals in science through education, advocacy, and the development of alternative methods. Founded in 1883, the American Anti-Vivisection Society (AAVS) is the first non-profit animal advocacy and educational organization in the United States dedicated to ending experimentation on animals in research, testing, and education. We work with individuals, students and parents, educators, grassroots groups, corporate and government decision makers, and members of the scientific community.

Massachusetts Animal Rights Coalition

Providing the Massachusetts animal welfare community with informational and financial resources, opportunities for professional growth, collaboration, and networking to improve the welfare of companion animals in our state.

Mercy for Animals

Our mission is to end industrial animal agriculture by constructing a just and sustainable food system. Imagine a world free of cruelty, a world in which we nurture our bodies, minds, and spirits with wholesome, healthy food that is kind to animals and sustainable for our planet. Mercy For Animals believes that world is possible. In fact, it is inevitable if we work together to elevate humanity to its fullest potential.

No Kill Advocacy Shelter

The No Kill Advocacy Center has changed the conversation regarding what we owe shelter animals for two decades. We were the first to challenge the myths that enable shelter killing, declare No Kill animal control possible, and show shelters how. (Our director was also the first to achieve it.) And we do that in primarily four ways: legislation, litigation, advocacy, and hands-on, direct assistance to shelter directors, government officials, and shelter reformers.

We provide free consulting for shelter directors to get them to embrace the No Kill Equation and succeed in its implementation. We work closely with legislators to draft, introduce, and pass shelter reform and other forms of animal protection legislation. In addition to legislation, our litigation unit files lawsuits to protect animals and those who care about them. For example, our civil rights cases have successfully protected rescuers and volunteers who have been “fired” or banned from pounds for speaking out against inhumane and abusive treatment. And we assist rescuers and shelter advocates with the help they need to reform the shelters in their local communities.

Animal Legal Defense Fund

The Animal Legal Defense Fund’s mission is to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system. The Animal Legal Defense Fund accomplishes this mission by filing high-impact lawsuits to protect animals from harm, providing free legal assistance and training to prosecutors to assure that animal abusers are held accountable for their crimes, supporting tough animal protection legislation and fighting legislation harmful to animals, and providing resources and opportunities to law students and professionals to advance the emerging field of animal law.

Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade

The Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade (CAFT) is a grass-roots organisation, run entirely by unwaged volunteers. Unlike many wealthy, national campaigning groups we rely solely on generous public donations to continue fighting the fur trade.

CAFT has helped regenerate the grass-roots campaign against the fur trade throughout the UK. Through investigations, education, campaigns and demonstrations we have exposed the horror of the fur trade and helped establish and continue many anti-fur actions across Britain. We have filmed undercover in fur farms, lobbied for a ban on fur farming and persuaded countless shops to stop selling real fur.

Anonymous for the Voiceless

Anonymous for the Voiceless (AV) is a not-for-profit animal rights organisation specialising in using conversation and standard practice footage to edify the public about animal exploitation. Initially founded in Melbourne, Australia, we are now a global community of like-minded people using our voices for justice for our fellow earthlings. With an abolitionist stance against all forms of non-human animal exploitation, we hold street activism events worldwide to edify the public towards supporting animal rights, living vegan and speaking up for the animals.

Animal Equality

Animal Equality is an international organization working with society, governments, and companies to end cruelty to farmed animals. As an animal protection organization, we are guided by compassion, determination, and effectiveness. We are committed to saving as many animals as possible and to reducing the enormous suffering animals endure on factory farms.

Farm Animal Rights Movement

Founded in 1976, Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM) is a national nonprofit organization advocating for animal rights, veganism and sustainability. For many years, we were the only national animal rights organization fighting for farmed animals and advocating to end the use of animals for food. Operating from Washington DC and New York through a network of activists, FARM conducts massive public awareness campaigns and international programs (including MeatOut, Vegan Earth Day, World Day for Farmed Animals, and Compassionate Holidays). Our Animal Rights National Conference has inspired thousands of animal rights activists and motivated movement newcomers for over 40 years.

Nonhuman Rights Project

The NhRP is the only civil rights organization in the United States dedicated solely to securing rights for nonhuman animals. Our groundbreaking work challenges an archaic, unjust legal status quo that views and treats all nonhuman animals as legal “things” with no rights. As with human rights, nonhuman rights are based on fundamental values and principles of justice such as liberty, autonomy, equality, and fairness.

Friends of Animals

Friends of Animals (FoA) is a non-profit, international animal advocacy organization incorporated in the state of New York since 1957. Friends of Animals advocates for the rights of nonhuman animals, free-living and domestic. Our goal is to free animals from cruelty and institutionalized exploitation around the world. The organization has grown from its beginnings as the most comprehensive low-cost spay neuter program in the country, facilitating more than 2.8 million spay/neuter procedures to date. It has evolved as well and now places critical habitat, wildlife protection and veganism at the core of animal advocacy. We also address the biggest contributors to climate change caused by human activity—deforestation, animal agriculture and fossil fuels.

Last Chance for Animals

Last Chance for Animals (LCA) is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating animal exploitation through education, investigations, legislation, and media attention. LCA believes that animals are highly sentient creatures who exist for their own reasons independent of their service to humans; they should not be made to suffer for the latter. LCA opposes the use of animals in food and clothing production, scientific experimentation, and entertainment and promotes a cruelty-free lifestyle and the ascription of rights to non-human beings.

People for Animals

The mission of People for Animals, Inc. is to prevent animal suffering through affordable essential healthcare, public policy advocacy, and community programs. Our key service to the public and animal welfare groups is affordable, routine pet care which is aimed at specifically driving more animals to early spay/neuter procedures to prevent accidental pregnancies, make pet ownership more affordable, and reduce the numbers of homeless animals in local shelters.

Wildlife Conservation Network

WCN's mission is to protect endangered wildlife by supporting conservationists who ensure wildlife and people coexist and thrive. We find the best entrepreneurial organizations and invite them to receive in-depth, ongoing support by joining our Network of Conservation Partners. We provide our Partners with the financial resources, tools, and services they need to effectively protect wildlife. As all organizations in our Network go through a rigorous vetting process, donors can invest in them with confidence. Our Wildlife Funds offer flexible grants to projects in order to protect a threatened species across its entire habitat. The Wildlife Funds invest in effective projects from a wide range of organizations, kickstarting new approaches and bolstering tried and true conservation efforts. Each fund amplifies donor support by combining contributions, allowing for the biggest impact possible.WCN helps local conservationists grow and thrive so that they have the support they need to protect wildlife. We invest in these brave women and men to strengthen their skills, build their organizations, and advance their careers in conservation. Through scholarships and grants, we provide support to the local people who are shaping conservation in their home countries, ensuring we have a greater and more sustainable impact for wildlife.

Open Wing Alliance

Our coalition works together toward a shared goal: to end the abuse of chickens worldwide. Our first step toward achieving this ambitious goal is eliminating cruel battery cages from our world, and we’re working toward achieving that vision, one cage-free policy at a time.

New Roots

We focus on achieving the greatest impact by effectively empowering the largest number of people. We recognize that we don’t have all the answers and will listen to others, including those we believe we disagree with, to grow as individuals and as an organization. We understand that social and informational contexts evolve, and seek new knowledge to update our perspectives and optimize our approach. We strive to see beyond our egos to meet others where they're at and collectively strengthen our impact. We show our commitment to one another and our cause by holding ourselves to a standard no lower than excellence, openly addressing issues with honesty and directness

Dansk Vegetarisk Forening

Our work encompasses a variety of programs. Below we will just briefly explain each of our programs. You can also find an earlier illustrated annual report (2019) in English here. Through our policy work we inspire politicians to create new policies and secure government funding for a plant-based transition from farm to table. The work consists of developing policy proposals and creating good relationships with politicians across the political spectrum, as well as establishing and maintaining a reputation among government professionals as well as other lobby organizations as a reliable organization that provides valuable input for policy development. This includes many meetings (in person, online, and via phone), organizing seminars and debates, attending major political events, conducting surveys and publishing the results ahead of elections, as well as an annual networking evening for plant-based professionals, including politicians. The work is supplemented by some strategical lawsuits when we deem it necessary to ensure progress; currently this includes a lawsuit on the right to plant-based food in public sector kitchens, and a greenwashing lawsuit against pork giant Danish Crown.

Factory Farm Map

With more than 2 million supporters, Food & Water Watch fights for safe food, clean water, and a livable climate for all of us. We protect people from the corporations and other destructive economic interests that put profit ahead of everything else.

Animal Welfare Information Center

The Secretary [of Agriculture] shall establish an information service at the National Agriculture Library. Such service shall, in cooperation with the National Library of Medicine, provide information — pertinent to employee training;
which could prevent unintended duplication of animal experimentation as determined by the needs of the research facility; and on improved methods of animal experimentation, including methods which could — reduce or replace animal use; and
minimize pain and distress to animals, such as anesthetic and analgesic procedures. Therefore, AWIC's products and services aim to help the regulated community with employee training and promote the humane care and use of animals by providing information on alternatives (improved methods of animal experimentation which could reduce or replace animal use or minimize pain and distress to animals).

Tree House (Under Humane Society)

Here at Tree House, our mission is to empower our communities of caregivers and ensure that every cat thrives. We strive to provide model cat care, and we are proud to do so through the model of Socially Conscious Sheltering. The Socially Conscious Animal Community framework is about creating the best outcome for all animals and nurturing the human-animal bond through thoughtful placements, assessing and thoughtfully addressing animal needs, and considering the health and safety of both animals and communities.